Animals of the Galápagos by Amelia

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

May 20 – 29, 2019

Snorkeling in the Galapagos in the deep blue sea,
So many animals I can see.

An octupus hiding in the rocks,
So camaflauged its hard to spot.

Meanwhile a sea lion is easy to see,
Lying on a bench or even on the concrete.

A wild sea horse in the waves,
It stays away from the caves,
With the gentle sharks who do not move ,
When we peek into their house, quiet and smooth.

At least a dozen golden rays,
They wind through the rocks shaped like a maze.

A sea turtle calm as can be,
Sometimes lifts its head to look at the blue footed boobies,

Who’s feet are a brilliant blue,
And who look like they can give you a clue,

To where the penguins hide,
With their tiny bodies and bellies so wide,

From eating all of the colorful fish
That dart and swish,
And wish that they do not get spied,
By some predators that have good eyes.

They do not have to worry about the tortoise,
Who need help, so they don’t go extinct like the stegasoraus.

Thousands of crabs
Hanging on the rocks
All around the clock

There’s some flamingos
So pink

You can’t miss them
Even when you blink

And finally,

How could we forget the swimming iguanas,
who climb like strong mammas
over the lava

that created

The Galapagos Islands.

Categories: AmeliaTags: , , , , , ,

1 comment

  1. Beautiful poem Amelia and stunning photos and videos xxx


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